Friday 8 December 2017

Organisation Politics, Job Security and Justice as Determinants of Employees Commitment (A Case Study of XYZ Company)

Organisation Politics, Job Security and Justice as Determinants of Employees Commitment (A Case Study of XYZ Company)

Research Project

By My Name
Matric No. …..

Presented to the Department of Accounting, University of …., in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Business Administration of University of ….

December, 2017

1.1              Background to the Study
Contingent on the success and survival of any organization be they private or public is the human element of that organization. As Banjoko (2006) noted, among all the organizational resources, it is only the human element that can think, initiate and create ideas. No matter how vast an organization’s financial resources may be and no matter how sophisticated an organization’s machinery may be, without the human element that will put them to productive use, the cardinal objective of organizations which is profit maximization may not be achieved. Essential in achieving organizational performance is employees’ commitment. According to motivation theorists, what quantity of job an employee can do depend on his ability, but what an employee does in reality depends on his level of commitment.

According to Akpan C.P. (2013), organizational commitment refers to the degree to which a worker identifies with his/her work, organization and its goals and the willingness to maintain membership in the organization. Levy (2003) views organizational commitment as the strength of an individual’s identification with and involvement in the organization. This means that it is an effective response to the whole organization. According to Bass (1998), commitment refers to loyalty and attachment to the organization. In organizational behavior and industrial and organizational psychology, organizational commitment is the individual’s psychological attachment to the organization. Organizational commitment predicts work variables such as turnover, organizational citizenship behavior and job performance. Some of the factors such as role stress, empowerment, job insecurity and employability and distribution of leadership have been shown to be connected to a worker’s sense of organizational commitment (Wayne. & Shore 1997).As a combination of both attitudinal and behavioural approaches, organizational commitment is defined as employees’ acceptances, involvement and dedication towards achieving organizations goals.

In organizational behavior and industrial and organizational psychology, organizational commitment is the individual’s psychological attachment to the organization. Organizational commitment predicts work variables such as turnover, organizational citizenship behavior and job performance. Some of the factors such as role stress, empowerment, job insecurity and employability and distribution of leadership have been shown to be connected to a worker’s sense of organizational commitment (Wayne. & Shore 1974).

Organizational commitment can be contrasted with other job – related attitudes, such as job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is defined as an employee’s feeling about their job and organizational identification. This is the degree to which an employee experiences a sense of oneness with their organizations (Robinson & Kraatz 1989). Organizational commitment is a subset of employment commitment which is comprised of work commitment and career commitment. Organizational commitment has been identified in the literatures which are affective, continuance and normative commitment. As a combination of both attitudinal and behavioural approaches, organizational commitment is defined as employees’ acceptances, involvement and dedication towards achieving organizations goals.

Organisation politics has been discussed in earnest in the literature over the last two decades. The concept of organizational politics and the perception of organisational politics in the work place evolved during the 1990’s and are considered to be a primary component of contemporary business practices. Aronow J. A (2004) defined organizational politics as behaviours that occur on an informal basis within an organization and involve intentional acts of influence that are designed to protect or enhance individuals’ professional careers when conflicting courses of action are possible”. She saw politics as a specific quality of the organizational dynamic which impacts all aspects of business life. Politics is a part of any organization. Employees use organizational politics to gain different advantages in the organization. Organizational politics is defined as a set of behaviours aimed at maximizing self-interest at the cost of others, (Blau G. J, 1988). It usually reflect “employee views about the level of power and influence used by other organizational members to gain advantages” (Coyle – Shapiro et al, 2003).

Agomo (2011) refers to job security as the legitimate interest an employee has in his job which affords him the opportunity to make projections about the economic future of his family based on job expectations. Adeogun (1986) perceives job security as an instrument of social justice utilized to achieve employment protection through the entrenchment of substantive justice and fair play in the employment process.

1.2  Statement of the Problem
The aim of this project is to ascertain if there is a relationship between organizational politics, job security, justice, employee commitment and job performance in the work place. Many organisations in Nigeria have failed to achieve the required organisational goals and objectives. The reason behind this inability is that the human elements in the organisations are not being effectively motivated to enable them put their best to work. Commitment is likely to be enhanced if organizations adopt appropriate organisational politics, put in place measures that will ensure job security for their employees and exhibit fairness in their dealings with employees. The trends obtainable in most Nigerian organisations are quite far from the ideal. Most Nigerian organisations are still adopting methods similar to the classical organisational theory of the pre 20th century.The classical theory considered organisation as “closed mechanical system” and its workers as mere elements composing them. This approach tended to see workers as parts of a machine rather than socio- psychological beings. Any lack of commitment
 or mistake of a worker was corrected by simply removing this worker and bringing a new one in his place. In this approach workers had no importance as “individuals” at all and their contribution to the organization was limited strictly to their job descriptions. This attitude of the management reflects on the workers, and could cause the workers not to be committed in their duties. In many Nigerian organisations, the leadership style mostly in use is the autocratic leadership style, which is an ego-centered leadership style where the leader gives definite instructions and demand compliance, the leader is dogmatic and positive, and usually leads by the ability to withhold or give rewards and punishment. The autocratic style makes it difficult for the people following the leader to be anything but followers. Also, it serves to foster frustration in so far as it imposes barriers to the satisfaction of individual needs. This also debases group morale and initiative, generates hostility and foster aggressive behavior, which is the norm in many Nigerian organisations. This situation inhibits organisational commitment. This reason accounts for low commitments among most Nigerian organisations.

It is on this backdrop that the researcher decided to carry out this study organisation politics, job security and justice as determinants of employees commitment (A case study of Chris Ejik Group of Company), in order to find lasting solutions to the fore identified problems.

1.3  Aim and Objectives of the Study
The main objective of this study is to examine how organisation politics, job security and justice determine employees’ commitment. Other subordinate objectives of this study include the following:-
i. To determine the factors that can enhance employees’ commitment.
ii. To examine how job security affects employees’ commitment.
iii. To examine how organizational politics affects employees’ commitment.
iv. To examine how organizational justice affects employees’ commitment.

1.4  Research Questions
       I.            What are the factors that can enhance or reduces employees’ commitment?
    II.            How can job security decrease or increase employees’ commitment?
 III.            What is the relationship between organizational politics and employees’ commitment?
 IV.            What is the relationship between Job justice and employees commitments?
    V.            Can a variables affects employees commitment both positively and negatively?

1.5  Research Hypotheses
1.      H0: There is no significant relationship between organization politics and employees’ commitment.
H1: There is a significant relationship between organization politics and employees’ commitment.
2.      H0: There is no significant relationship between Job security and employees’ commitment
H1: There is a significant relationship between Job security and employees’ commitment.
3.    H0: There is no significant relationship between Organization justice and employees’               commitment.
H1:  There is a significant relationship between Organization justice and employees’            commitment.

1.6 Significance of the Study
In organisational theory, the amount of work an employee can do depends on his ability, but what he does in reality depends on his level of commitments. Organizational behaviorists claim that companies that strive to meet the needs of their employees attract the best people and motivate them to do excellent work. Putting in place the right work culture and making employees happy is a key to ensuring committed workforce in the work places. However organisational politics, job insecurity, injustice and inequity in the workplaces can mare employees’ level of commitment to their organisations and thereby negatively impacting on organisational performance.

This study examined how organisational politics, job security, and justice determine employees’ commitment. This study aims at highlighting how organisational politics can negatively or positively impact on employees’ commitment, and subsequently suggested ways through which organisational politics can be eradicated or tailored well in the work environment or brought to the barest minimum. The study also examined how job security positively impacts employees’ commitments and also suggested means to increase job security in the workplace so as to enhance employees’ organisational commitment. The study also examined how employees’ commitment positively or negatively impacts on productivity and also suggested strategies to improve employees’ commitment.

This study brings to the fore, the need for improving employees’ commitment and new method of managing Human Resources in Organizations in order to achieve employees commitment strategies which in time, translates to desired levels of productivity and in the long run, sustainable organizational profitability. Against this backdrop, this study will be of great significant to management, scholars and practitioners in both the private and public of the economy. For management practitioners in general, the study will amongst other things further highlight the relationship between organisation politics. job security and justice and employees’ commitment and performance as organizational success factors; while for the company under study it will keep in perspective organizational activities as they relate to the identified variables. It will also provide great insight into employee behavioural patterns in the company used as a case study in this project.

For scholars, apart from contributing to the enrichment of existing literature on organisation politics, job security and justice and employees’ commitment, employee’s, the study will suggest areas of interest to academics with a view to enhancing employee’s performance in Nigeria. It also acts as a referral to researchers.

1.7       Scope of the Study
This study examines how organisational politics, job security, and justice determine employees’ commitment. This study focuses on how organisational politics can negatively impact on employees’ commitment, and subsequently suggesting ways through which organisational politics can be eradicated from the work environment or brought to the barest minimum. The study also examines how job security can positively impact employees’ commitments and also suggests means to increase job security in the workplace so as to enhance employees’ organisational commitment. The study also examines how employees’ commitment can positively impact on job output and also suggesting means to improve employees’ commitment. These are the issues that were examined in this study.

1.8       Definition of Terms
Commitment: is the relative strength of the individual’s employee identification with and involvement in a particular organization.
Employee: the productive human resource of an organization who uses both mental and physical efforts to get works done.
Job security: is an instrument of social justice utilized to achieve employment protection through the entrenchment of substantive justice and fair play in the employment process.
Performance: The ability and the act of increasing in level of growth and achievement of meaningful success and adapting to circumstance through human effort.
Power the s the ability to control others, to hire, to fire, to determine who uses what resources. It is the tool to influence one to behave in a particular way. The purpose of power is to control and influence others to direct employees wills and to command respect.
Productivity: This is the ratio of output to the input of labour.
Organisation: is a collectivity of people engage in a systematic effort to achieve certain goals not reached single handedly

Organisational justice. The fairness with which individuals are treated in the workplace.

Organisational politics:  Behaviors that are not officially approved by an organization that   people take to promote their own self-interest at the expense of the organization's interest.

Adeogun A.A. (1986) From contract to status in quest for security. An inaugural lecture    delivered at the University of Lagos, page 32

Agomo, C.K. (2011) Nigeria employment and labour relations, law and practice, Lagos:   Concept Publications, page 156.

Aronow Julie. Ann Paleen (2004) The impact of organizational politics on the work of the  internal human resource professional, An unpublished Student Project submitted to The       Graduate School, University of Wisconsin – Stout

Banjoko S.A (2006), Human Resource Management-An Expository Approach Lagos: Saban           Publishers, Pages 24, 71-92

Blau, G. J. (1988). Further exploring the meaning and measurement of career commitment, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, Vol.32: 284-297

Coyle-Shapiro, J. A-M & Conway, (2005) Exchange relationships: An examination of perceived organizational support.

Robinson, S. L., & Morrison E.W., (2000). The development of contract breach and violation: a longitudinal study. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21, 525-546.
Wayne, S.J., Shore, L.M. and Liden, R.C.(1997). Perceived organizational support and leader member exchange: A social exchange perspective. Academy of management journal, 40, 82-111
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