Friday 8 December 2017

Privatisation and Commercialisation as an Inpetus Towards Economic Development in Nigeria (A Study of Telecommunication)







This is a 69 page project that focused on Privatization and Commercialization as an impetus to Economic Development of Nigeria, A Study of Telecommunications. Countries all over the world in their efforts to achieve industrial growth and development often time embark on one developmental strategy or the other. This is as a result of immense benefits associated with industrialization. To achieve sustained growth and development that will increase the social benefits and welfare that will accrue to Nigerians, the federal government has adopted various strategies to save the country’s economy from the wool and to move the nation forward. Privatization and Commercialization were some of the strategies and policy measures of the government, taken to move Nigeria to her Promised Land. This project x-rayed various privatization and commercialization programmes of Nigerian Government starting from 1988 till date. The various objectives of the programmes, problems encountered and successes achieved in the implementation of the programmes were also examined. Some research questions examined include:- What were the impacts of Privatization and Commercialization on Economic Development of Nigeria? To what extent did the Privatization and Commercialization exercise of the federal government achieved the intended objectives of the government?  Some hypotheses tested include: the privatization and commercialization programme of the federal government does not impact positively on Nigeria’s economic development; corruption among political class and government officials did not negatively impact on the success of Nigeria’s Privatization and Commercialization programme. It was found from the study that corruption among political class and government officials did negatively impact on the success of Nigeria’s Privatization and Commercialization programmes. Nigerian government can improve on the success of future privatization and commercialization programmes by adopting strategies that will eliminate corruption in the society. Corruption has actually eaten deep into the fabrics of our society. However efforts can be made to reduce the evils of these ills in the society called corruption.

1.0                                                           INTRODUCTION
1.1       Background to the Study
Countries all over the world in their efforts to achieve industrial growth and development often time embark on one developmental strategy or the other. This is as a result of immense benefits associated with industrialization.

As a nation industrializes, the productivity level of such a country will increase thereby leading to increase in the aggregate Gross Domestic Product and cumulatively towards the achievement of higher National Income and higher Per Capital Income which is a measure of standard of living and social benefits accruable to such a society.

According to the classical economists like Adam Smith (1776), John Stuart Mills and David Ricardo (1817) production is the process of creating and expanding wealth of a nation. Through increased productive activities, a country’s standard of live can be increased tremendously which shall ultimately lead to higher social benefits that shall be enjoyed by the people of that society.

As noted by Karl Marx in his political economy, the production and reproduction of the material existence of a society is essential for its continued existence. Thus people’s productive activity is the primary condition of existence because for people to eat and sustain themselves, they must work. To Frederick Engels “work creates Man himself”. It is only by labour that people create and recreate their entire material life (Anifowose R. & Enemuo F. (2008).

To achieve sustained growth and development that will increase the social benefits and welfare that will accrue to Nigerians, the federal government has adopted various strategies to save the country’s economic from the wool and to move the nation forward. Privatization and Commercialization are some of the strategies and policy measures of the government, taken to move Nigeria to her Promised Land.

In July 1988, the Federal Government of Nigeria promulgated Decree No. 25. This Decree outlined how the policy of Privatization and Commercialization shall be executed in Nigeria. The motivation for embarking on this policy was due to the government’s desire to reverse the economic difficulties that have arisen in the society as a result of decades of the state acting as a major and dominating producer of goods and services in the country. The primary aim is to reduce the size and expenditure of government, and the promotion of efficiency and effectiveness in the economic sector of the country.

Since Nigeria got her independence in 1960, Nigerian government has been taking active roles in running the economic affairs of the country. The state have dominant control in the management of such important activities like banking, insurance, agriculture, manufacturing, mining, commerce, construction, provision of health facilities, supply of energy, communication, transportation and provision of basic goods and services.
For instance, prior to the government privatization and commercialization exercise, there were about 70 non commercial and 110 commercial state-owned enterprises which depended on public funds and management for their operations. In monetary terms, the Federal Government invested or held equity shares of over N36 Billion in about 500 enterprises. A good number of them were inefficient and unprofitable ventures that depended on state funds. The direct consequent of this and scope of public involvement in the economy was that about 40 percent of the country’s annual capital expenditures were expended on public enterprises.

After this long period of difficult-to-manage phenomenal growth in the size of the state, followed an era of shrinking public resources worsened by huge foreign debts and service obligations. In addition, there exist economic constraints on government activities and deeply declined ability to continue supporting largely unprofitable public enterprises. With the strong influence of International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and the Structural Adjustment Programme which these international bodies insist that Nigeria must adopt in order to continue obtaining from international capital, credit investment and aid. Nigeria had no alternative but to embrace the economic philosophy of reducing the size of the state bureaucracy through privatization and commercialization of public enterprises.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Before the privatization and commercialization exercise of the Federal Government, most government funded and managed establishments were inefficiently and ineffectively managed. These establishments were pipes through which the nation’s wealth was siphoned to the drains. The mentality and orientations of many Nigerians then was that government’s property was no body’s property. Anybody that therefore assume any managerial and leadership position then capitalize that as opportunity to amass wealth and steal the nations wealth. Consequently, looting of national wealth went on unbridled. The politicians, the military, the bureaucrats, civil servants and those in one position of authority or the other both at the federal, state and local government levels in the country used that as opportunities to loot the national treasury at the detriment of the common people who did not have the opportunity of being in government or of holding one official post or the other. Consequently, the nation’s wealth were not evenly distributed. The income gap between the rich and the poor was interpolated. The society which hitherto had no social class structure became dissected into two classes – the poor and rich. The middle class disappeared from the nation’s income class. This ugly trend continued unabated with the poor continuously languishing in abject poverty. The ugly consequence of these was that our morals and social values as a people were thrown to the mud. The social values that bided us together went to the blues. Bribery and corruption became the other of the day. It was no longer the end that justify the means but rather the means that justify the end. Our people no longer care how you made wealth but rather whether you made wealth. Chieftaincy titles and honours are now bestowed on boys of underage just because they can pay for them. Thus our symbol of honesty and personal dignity became what can be purchased by money.

1.3. Aim and Objective of the Study
The main aim of this study is to find out whether Privatization and Commercialization actually act as impetus on national development.
Other objectives of this study are:-
i.        To identify the impact of Privatization and Commercialization on Economic Development of Nigeria
ii.      To identify the extent the Privatization and Commercialization exercise of the federal government achieved the intended objectives of the government.
iii.    To identify the problems that hindered the Privatization and Commercialization exercise of the federal government.
iv.    To identify means that these problems can be solved.
v.      To identify the best strategies to use to improve on future privatization and commercialization programmes of the government.

1.4. Relevant Research Questions
The following questions were asked in this study:-
1.      What are the impacts of Privatization and Commercialization on Economic Development of Nigeria?
  1. To what extent did the Privatization and Commercialization exercise of the federal government achieved the intended objectives of the government?
  2. Identify the problems that hindered the successful operation of the federal government’s privatization and commercialization programmes?
  3. In what ways can these problems be solved?
  4. Are there ways that the government can improve on their future privatization and commercialization exercise?

1.5. Relevant Research Hypotheses
1.         H1: The privatization and commercialization programme of the federal government impacts positively on Nigeria’s economic development.
H0: The privatization and commercialization programme of the federal government does not impact positively on Nigeria’s economic development.

2.         H1: The Privatization and Commercialization programmes of the federal government have achieved the intended purpose.
H0: The Privatization and Commercialization programmes of the federal government have not achieved the intended purpose.

3          H1: Corruption among political class and government officials did negatively impact on the success of Nigeria’s Privatization and Commercialization programmes.
H0: Corruption among political class and government officials did not negatively impact on the success of Nigeria’s Privatization and Commercialization programmes

4.         H1: Sincerity on the part of the government in the implementation of the future Privatization and Commercialization programmes can make the exercises successful.
H0: Sincerity on the part of the government in the implementation of the future Privatization and Commercialization programmes cannot make the exercises successful.

5.         H1: Nigerian Privatization and Commercialization programmes brought about income inequality among Nigerians.
H0: Nigerian Privatization and Commercialization programmes did not bring about income inequality among Nigerians.

1.6. Scope of the Study
This study focused on Privatization and Commercialization as an impetus towards economic development in Nigeria – A Study of Telecommunication. In this study, the researcher investigated how Privatization and Commercialization contributes towards economic development in Nigeria. This study also identified some problems that impeded the successful implementation of the federal government’s privatization and commercialization programmes and also suggested ways that these problems could be solved. This study also x-rayed the state of corruption and looting going on in the state owned organizations that brought about inefficiency and ineffectiveness in the management of these establishments which subsequently led to their privatization and commercialization. This study also examined government’s insincerity in implementing these programmes and also suggested means of making future privatization and commercialization exercise successful.

1.7. Significance of Study
The government’s privatization and commercialization programmes as presently being implemented in Nigeria are faced with several problems as it was pointed out the previous section of this study. At the end of this study, solutions shall be found for most if not all the problems that confront this exercise presently. The findings of this project shall be hosted on the net and made accessible to those that are vested with the responsibility of this privatization and commercialization programme. This study shall also act as a good reference point for future users and readers. It is hoped that the other students in other Nigerian tertiary institutions as well as the larger society shall benefit from this work since this projected shall be made available in libraries and other educational centres throughout Nigeria where people can have access to them.

1.8. Definition of Terms
Commercialization:               This is the process of making government owned and funded establishments to be self sustaining and profit oriented

Economic Development:       This is the process by which a high degree of self-reliant economic growth in a given society, sustained over a long time, is associated with a substantial reduction in poverty, unemployment and inequality.

Deregulation:                         This means removal of controls, rules, restrictions or standards on the operations of a functioning system.    

Indigenization:                       This is the transfer of equity shareholding and ownership in companies to the indigenes of a country or a state

Privatization:                         This the process whereby government equity interests in companies, corporations and parastatals are being sold to private individuals and companies including foreigners

Subsidy:                                 Money paid by a government to help an industry

1.                  Adebayo, A. (1999) Economics, A Simplified Approach, Lagos: African International
Publishing Ltd, page 210.
2.                  Anifowose, R. and Enemuo, F. (2008) Elements of Politics, Lagos: Sam Iroanusi
Publications, pages 44-45.

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