Tuesday 7 November 2017

An Investigation of Corporate Social Responsibility in Organisation's Performance

An Investigation of Corporate Social Responsibility

in Organizations’ Performance

(A Study of Nigeria Breweries Plc, Cadbury Nigeria Plc and Dangote Nigerian Plc).


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Presented to the Department of Accounting, University of Lagos, Akoka in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of The Degree of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Accounting of University of ----------------

June, 2014


1.1    Background of The Research Work
Every organization operates in a particular environment. The organization cannot do without its environment. The activities that go on in the society affect the organization. By the systems theory, every organization is an open social system that receives resources as inputs from the environment. These resources are subjected to transformation process in the organization to produce goods and services as outputs which are sent back to the society (environment). The relationship between the organization and the environment (society) is a symbiotic one. Both depends on each other.

Every organization also has several stakeholders which include Managers, Owners. Employees, Consumers, Government and the Society. Managers and their organizations cannot ignore any of these groups. If they do so, they do that at their own peril. It makes sense for all organizations to respond to these stakeholders as much as they can in terms of their expectations and needs by being socially responsible.

Social Responsibility can be defined as the business man’s decisions and actions taken for reasons, at least, partially beyond the firm’s direct interest.

Social Responsibility of business involves those actions and behaviours which the society expects from organizations to provide some welfare benefits to the society and to restrain from doing those things that are harmful to the society no matter how profitable it may be to them in the short run.

Social Responsibility refers to those actions taken by a business organization which in some ways assist the society to achieve the objectives of the society and enable the citizens to live better life (Asika, 2004).

1.2 Statement of Problem
Any organization that fails to be socially responsible will definitely have some problems within its society or environment which will include the following: Poor Public Image; Bad relationship between the organization and its immediate society; Poor Customer patronage to its products and services. Low brand image; Hostile attitude from the host community; Low market share; Decrease in profitability

1.3 Aims and Objectives of The Study
·        The objectives of carrying out this study include the following:-
·        To identify means that organizations can improve on their corporate and brand images
·        To highlight the impacts of Social Responsibility on Corporate Performance
·        To find out whether Social Responsibility increase Corporate Profitability in the long run
·        To highlight the Social Responsibility approaches used by Nigerian firms.

1.4 Relevant Research Questions
In what way(s) can organizations improve on their corporate and brand images?
What are the impacts of Social Responsibility on Corporate Performance?
Does Social Responsibility increase Corporate Profitability in the long run?
What are the approaches being used by Nigerian Managers to exhibit their social responsibility?

1.5 Relevant Research Hypotheses
1        H0 : Social Responsibility does not increase Organization’s profitability in the long run.
H1: Social Responsibility increase organization’s profitability in the long run.

2.       H0: Social Responsibility does not have any positive impact on Corporate Performance,
H1:  Social Responsibility do have positive impact on Corporate Performance

3.       H0: Social Responsibility does not reduce the spate of conflicts      between organizations and their host communities.
H1: Social Responsibility reduces the spate of conflicts between                organizations and their host communities
4.       H0: Social Responsibility does not improve on brand and corporate     images.
H1: Social Responsibility improves on brand and corporate images.

1.6 Scope and Limitation of Work
  This research was limited to the Impact of Social Responsibility on Corporate Performance – A Case Study of UBA Plc. This study examined how social responsibility increase corporate image and profitability. The researcher also examined the various strategies that Nigerian Managers are using to show-case their social responsibility programmes.

However, this study was inhibited because of the following limitations:
Scarcity of funds needed for this study; Scarcity of research materials and personnel that were needed in this work. There was also the problem of time constraints since the researcher has to combine this with her studies. Other problems encountered in this study was the un-co-operating attitude of the respondents who were reluctant to divulge information needed for this study because of their skepticisms about the intent of this study even after they were told about the purpose of this study.

1.7. Significance of Study
Any organization can just die as surely and swiftly from ignoring moral and ethical obligations as it can from following ineffective internal management practices. The significance of this study can be seen in the following perspective:-
In the course of this research work, the researcher identified how organizations can benefit from Social Responsibilities. The study also highlighted how organizations can improve on their relationships with their host communities and also how firms can improve on their public and brand images. At the end of this study, the findings of this study shall be made available to other organizations including the organization that was used as the case study in this study so that they can benefit from this study.
It is also hoped that the society shall benefit immensely from this study. This is because, as organizations resort to social responsibility activities and programmes, the society shall be better off. Furthermore, as organizations engage in Social Responsibility programmes, the spate of clash between the host communities and these organizations shall be reduced. There will be reduction in the kidnapping of the corporate managers as we witnesses in the Niger Delta area. As organizations engage in social responsibility programmes, the bilateral relationships of these organizations with their host communities shall improve.

1.8 Definitions of Terms

Words                                     Definitions
Corporate                               Forming a whole, united, organization, an                                                 entity, a firm.
Corporation                           A body of people acting as one for                                                            administrative or business purposes.
Effectiveness                           The act of producing desired results, the                                                    extent objectives are attained.
Efficiency                                The ability of doing things well. The extent                                                         resources are used to attain results.
Environment                          Surroundings in which someone or an                                                       organization lives and operates
Ethical                                     Having to do with right behaviour, Justice,                                                          duty, just honourable
Management                          The art of managing a business, those in                                                    charge of a business.
Moral                                      Of correct or acceptable behaviour or                                                                  character, principles and standards of                                                                  behaviour
Obligation                               A promise or a duty by which someone is                                                 bound. Debt of gratitude for a favour                                                                   received.
Performance                            The act of doing something, the level                                                                   of success of something, a car or an                                                            organization.
Profitability                            Gain, benefit, money gotten by selling an                                                   article for a higher price that was paid for it.
Responsibility                         Something or someone for which one is                                                     responsible, the state of being responsible or                                             having important duties for which one is                                                     responsible.
Social                                               Relating to society or to a community, living                                             in communities, of companionship.
Social Responsibility              This refers to those actions taken by a          business organization which in some ways assist the society to achieve the objectives of the society and enable the citizens to live better life.
Society                                    Humanity considered as a whole, a community of people, company, companionship.
1 Aluko M. Gbadamosi G. Odungbesan O. and Osuagwu L (1998) Business
              Policy and Strategy, Lagos: Pumark Nigeria Limited, page 157-168,

2  Asika (2004) Research Methodology, A Process Approach, Lagos:
             Mukugamu and Brothers Enterprises, pages 129-135.

3  Asika (2004) Business Organization and Management, Lagos:                            Mukugamu and Brothers Enterprises pages 92-94.

4. Fagbohungbe O. (2002) Research Methods For Nigerian Tertiary
             Institutions (2nd Edition). Lagos: Kotleb Publishers. Pages 147-148.

5  Felipe B. Alfonso and Ramon V.R (2005) Corporate Social        Responsibility In The Global Community  Asian Institute of        Management 

6   French D. and Saword H.(1975) Dictionary of Management Essex:                  Gower Press

7. Kuye, O. (2004) Management Concepts and Process.  An Expository
            Approach. Isolo Lagos: Harry – Dons Ventures. Pages 87-89, 94- 97,

8. The United Nations’ Global Conpact report dated 27, 2007

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