Tuesday 7 November 2017

The Impact of Toal Quality Management on Corporate Performance, A Case Study of Nigerian Breweries Plc







This is a project of about 74 pages. The project focused on the Impact of Total Quality Management on Corporate Performance – A Case Study of Nigerian Breweries Plc. In today’s dynamic business environment full of intense competitions and uncertainties, the ability of an organization to succeed and to remain viable depends on its ability to offer solutions to consumer’s problems. Also, the extent to which an organization will remain in business for a relatively long time is contingent on its ability to meet the quality expectations of consumers in its product offerings. Therefore, the importance of total quality management as a veritable tool for corporate success cannot be over emphasized. This work presented various contributions made in the time past about Total Quality Management including the works of Edward Deming, Philips Crosby, and Joseph Juran Trilogy of Management. This study examined how Total Quality Management contributes to corporate success. Some challenges that are also being encountered in implementing TQM programmes were also examined. Some research questions that were examined includes the following:- What is the impact of TQM on corporate performance? How can TQM increase organizational efficiency and effectiveness in product delivery? How can organizations improve on their Total Quality Management programmes? Does TQM increase Corporate and Brand images? Some hypotheses that were tested include: H0: Total Quality Management does not increase corporate performance. H0:   TQM does not improve on product and corporate images. H0:   TQM does not increase employees’ working morale. The findings of this study are as stated below: TQM increases corporate performance; TQM improves on product and corporate images; TQM increases employees’ working morale; Organizations that embraces TQM perform better than organizations that does not in terms of profitability and return on investment.

This project is titled ‘The Impact of Total Quality Management on Corporate Performance – A case study of Nigerian Breweries Plc.
In today’s dynamic business environment full of intense competitions and uncertainties, the ability of an organization to succeed and to remain viable depends on its ability to offer solutions to consumer’s problems. Also, the extent to which an organization will remain in business for a relatively long time is contingent on its ability to meet the quality expectations of consumers in its product offerings. Therefore, the importance of total quality management as a veritable tool for corporate success cannot be over emphasized.
According to Aluko M. Gbadamosi G.,Odungbesan O. and Osuagwu L, (1998), Total Quality Management is a business philosophy that embodies the belief that the management process must focus on integrating the idea of customer-driven quality throughout an organization. They further noted that TQM stresses continuous improvement of product quality and service delivery. The philosophy underlying the implementation of a Total Quality Management (TQM) strategy is to see organization’s consumers and clients as the vital key elements to organizational success. Organizations with TQM strategy see their business through the eyes of their customers and clients then measure their performance against customer/client expectations, not through organizational expectations, Aluko M. Gbadamosi G.,Odungbesan O. and Osuagwu L, (1998) noted.
Total Quality Management has been variously defined.
In a book titled “Total Quality Management by Professor John Oakland’s, (1991) TQM was defined as a way of managing to improve the effectiveness, flexibility and competitiveness of a business as a whole.
The United States Department of Defense defines TQM as “both a philosophy and a set of guiding principles that represent the foundation of continuously improving an organization.
According to British Standard BS 570: Part 1: 1992, Section 3.1, TQM is management philosophy and company practices that aim to harness the human and material resources of an organization in the most effective way to achieve the objective of the organization.
Nigerian Breweries Plc are presently being beset with several TQM
related problems and issues like high accident rate at production centers, high rate of wastages, increase in overall production cost.

It is due to these problems that the researcher sees the need to carry out this research with the aim of finding lasting solutions to virtually most of the problems facing the organization and consequently improve corporate profitability.

Nigerian Breweries Plc was chosen for this project because being a Public Limited Company that is into production process and the provision of products to the teaming population of Nigerians and foreigners alike, it offers as an excellent company to be researched upon.

Any organization that fails to embrace TQM is most likely to be beset with several problems which include low product quality, frequency of breakdown of production system, ineffective production system, high production cost, inability to meet customers’ orders, loss of customers’ goodwill, and decrease in revenue.

The purpose of carrying out this study to assess the impacts of TQM on corporate performance with particular reference to Nigerian Breweries Plc. Specifically, the objectives includes the following:-
1.      To find out how TQM can increase organizational efficiency and effectiveness in product delivery.
2.      To device the best way to increase the working morals of the individual employees.
3.      To ascertain whether TQM increase Corporate and Brand images.

The following questions shall be examined in the course of this study:
1.      What is the impact of TQM on corporate performance?
2.      How can TQM increase organizational efficiency and effectiveness in product delivery?
3.      How can organizations improve on their Total Quality Management programmes?
4.      Does TQM increase Corporate and Brand images?
5.      What are the ways organizations can use to increase the working morals of the individual employees?

1. H0: Total Quality Management does not increase corporate performance.
2.      H0:   TQM does not improve on product and corporate images.
3.   H0:   TQM does not increase employees’ working morale.
4.   H0:      Organizations that embrace TQM does not perform better than organizations that does not in terms of profitability and return on investment.

The business environment, organizations operate in these days is filled with intense competition. The world itself has become a global village. No country is precluded from the entrance of products from foreign lands. The protective shields and barriers adopted by the Less Developed Countries to protect their infant industries are no more effective. Products from advanced societies are now easily penetrating the markets of the Less Developed Economies because of improvement in air and sea transport systems. Distance is no longer a barrier in international business.
Consumers have become more sophisticated. Their tastes and preferences are ever changing towards products that meet their expectations in terms of high quality product and service delivery.
In the face of all these, it is only those products and services that are able to satisfy consumers’ tastes and preferences and that are able to offer them optimum satisfaction that will win consumers’ patronage.
Therefore to survive in the present day business environment, organizations are left with no option than to produce products that will be able to satisfy consumers’ needs and meet their expectations in terms of quality.
This project work, when completed shall offer a reference point for organizations that are seeking avenues to improve the quality of their products. The researcher shall in the course of this study identify some benefits that will accrue to organizations as they adopt TQM. The researcher shall also identify various strategies and approaches organizations can use to improve on the quality of their products and to reduce waste. He shall also highlight on the most efficient way to elicit the interest of the employees and other members of an organization to embrace TQM. This shall aim at building Total Quality Consciousness among all members of an organization.
It is hoped that the findings of this study which shall focus on quality improvement shall be made available to organizations by hosting this work on the net and at the library. The society at large shall also benefit from this work in the sense that when organizations produce high quality products, the larger society shall be improved.

Words:                Definitions
Brand Image:        Brand Image is the positive impression or opinion the
                                public or society has for a particular product or service.
Bench Marking: This is a particular standard or typical example for referencing. It refers to a best-in-class standard for particular product, Service or process.
British Standard (BS):  This is just one of the thousands of standards which have been formalized and agreed either for organizations to conform to a voluntary basis or in some cases on statutory Basis. In Britain the British Standards Institute plays a major role in the development of standards for the whole spectrum of industrial and commercial activities.
Defects:            Any non-conformance of an item to specified requirements.
Effectiveness:    Producing the desired result. Effectiveness is the ability
                             of something or somebody to achieve what he/she wants
                             to achieve. Effectiveness is goal attainment.
Efficiency:         This is the ability to do things well. It is the degree resources
                            are used to achieve a set target.
Non-conformance:   The non-fulfillment of specified requirements.
Pareto Analysis:       A way of defining the “critical view” causes of problems or non-   conformances.
Performance:       The act of doing something, the level of success of a machine, car, a   product or a service.
Problem:                 A variation from the expected or required result.
Process:                  Any task in which some input is translated to an output
through the action of individuals, machines or chemical or electrical reactions.        
Process quality control:        That part of quality control that is concerned
with maintaining process variability within the required limits.
Quality:                   Conformance to the agreed requirements of the
Quality Assurance:   All the planned and systematic actions necessary
 to provide adequate confidence to management and
                                    Customers that a product or service will satisfy given   
                                     requirements for quality.
Quality control:       The operational techniques and activities that sustain
  the product or service quality specified requirements.
Reliability:               The ability of an item to perform a required function
under stated conditions for a stated period of time.
Standard:                   A level against which things may be judged; a level of
                                    Excellence  aimed at.    
Quality circle:            Quality circle is a group of four to twelve people, usually
coming from the same work area, who voluntarily meet on a regular basis to identify, investigate, analyze and solve their own work related problems. The circle presents solutions to management and is often involved in implementing and maintaining them.
Total Quality Management: A management philosophy and company
practices that ensures maximum effectiveness and efficiency within a business and secures commercial leadership by putting in place process and systems which will promote excellence, prevent errors and ensure that every aspect of the business is aligned to customer needs and the advancement of business goals without duplication or waste of effort.
Wastage:                  State of being useless, of no value, rubbish etc.

This project focuses on the Impact of Total Quality Management on Corporate Performance – A Case Study of Nigerian Breweries Plc. The setting for this project was limited to Lagos metropolis. This project examines various Total Quality Management strategies that organizations can use to improve the quality of their products. The researcher examined features of TQM, Demining’s Fourteen Principles of TQM, and Joseph Juran’s ten steps to Quality improvement, Philip Crosby’s fourteen steps for Managing Quality. Key issues to address in implementing organizational Total Quality Management and TQM Practices in Swift Talk Nig Ltd were also examined in the course of this study.

Nigerian Breweries PLC is Public Limited Liability Company that engages in provision of world class products to its numerous customers that everywhere in Nigeria and West African sub region. Nigerian Breweries Plc has a high portfolio of high quality brands which include Star Larger Beer – the first in its portfolio, Gulder Larger Beer WHICH WAS LAUNCHED IN 1970, Maltina, the nourishing malt drink which was introduced in 1976, Legend Extra Stout introduced in 1992, Amstel Malta 1988, Maltina Sspit 2005, and Fayyrouz 2006. In 2007, the company introduced Star, Heineken and Amstel Maltna in Cans.
The Purpose of using Nigerian Breweries is because the organization engages in production and usually set stands of performance that must be met to ensure high level quality delivery and customer satisfaction. The organization uses different production systems and processes. All these were examined in the course of this study.

1. Aluko M. et al (1998) Business Policy and Strategy, Lagos: Pumark Nig. Ltd pages 88, 91
2. Asika N. (2004) Research Methodology – A Process Approach, Lagos: Mukugamu and Brothers Enterprises, Pages 129-134
3.   Fagbohungbe O. (2002), Research Methods For Nigerian Tertiary                                 Institutions. Lagos: Kotleb Publishers

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