Tuesday 7 November 2017

The Impact of Training and Development on Employees Productivity, A Case Study of Niger Dock Nig Plc








1.1              BACKGROUND OF STUDY
The roles that organization’ human resources and viability cannot be questioned. It is the only resource that can think, plan, execute and achieve organizational objectives. No matter how efficient and sophisticated your machines, tools and equipment are, and no matter how vast your financial and material resources may be, somebody who is the human element will have to put them to use.
The world we live in is constantly undergoing some changes especially in the area of technological innovation consequently; there is high rate of skill obsolescence in firms.
Training is so essential to ensure that the organizational human resources keeps abreast with constantly changing technology.
New ideas of doing things are constantly being introduced. There is therefore the need for employees to acquire the necessary skills to enable them to be able to operate the new technological equipment and tools that are constantly being introduced. Training is therefore inevitable to enable employees to keep abreast with the new technology and to up date their skills and to avoid skill obsolescence. It is therefore important for the purpose of enhancing individual performance that training and development should be made a continuous process that should last throughout an employee’s entire working life.
This is because low and middle level employees need to adapt to new skills and technologies while managers and top management personnel need deeper knowledge and understanding of their jobs, the jobs of others, a good under standing of where and how their jobs fit into the wider organizational pattern, an understanding of government and social constraints, and a sensitive social awareness of environment within which the organization operates (Bankoko 1996),
Some reasons for the need for training were identified by Banjoko (1996) and they are as follows:
1.      To remove performance deficiencies.
2.       To match the employee’ abilities with the job requirement and organizational needs.
3.      To enhance organizational viability and the transformation process.
4.      To cope with new technological advancement e.g. the demands of automation, mechanization, and computerization.
5.      To improve quality and quantity of work.
6.      To increase productivity and efficiency.
7.       To cope with increasing organizational complexity resulting from increased mechanization and automation etc.
8.      To enhance employee’ self esteem, to boost employee’ organizational climate.
9.      To induce certain behavioural changes in the employees.
10.  To reduce costs of production and to minimize waste.
11.  To prevent skill obsolescence.

A company that shines away from training its workers shall be facing the following problems:
1.   High accident rate in employees’ job performance
2.   High rate of wastages
3.   Production  below quality standard
4.   Low productivity
5.   inefficient use of resources
6.   Low working morale
7.   In competitiveness in the market place which is as a result of low product quality.
8.   Low profitability
9.   Tardiness in job performance

The purpose or objective of this study is as follows:
1.   To reduce the rate of wastages
2.   To improve on product quality
3.   To boost workers morale through training programmes
4.   To elucidate the best ways that organizations’ training programmes can be implemented to achieve the desired results.
5.   To search for the best way possible to improve workers’ productivity through training.
6.   To determine the impact of training and development on workers’ productivity.
7.   To find the best way to improve on corporate efficiency, effectiveness and viability.
8.   To contribute to knowledge
9.   To meet one of the requirement for the award of a B.SC (Business Administration).

Any programme aimed at improving employees’ potentials and corporate profitability and viability shall be worth one.
In this research work, attempt was made to identify the best way to improve organizational training and development programmes. Advice shall be provided on how to conduct training need. Determination (TND), Training formulation, implementation and Training Evaluation.
The researcher also examined the various principles of learning, how training can be used improve employee job performance and corporate profitability. The `findings of this study shall be made available to the organization the researcher is using for her case tudy and shall also be made accessible to the general public who can then use the findings to solve their training and development related problems.

In the course of this study, the following question were asked.
1.      What are the impacts of training and development on employee productivity?
2.      How can organizations improve their training and development programmes?
3.      How can organizations carry out training need assessment and determination?
4.      How can organizations design and evaluate their training and development programmes?
5.      “Training and development do not increase employee’s productivity.” Do you agree with this statement?
6.      “Organizations that embark on training and development do not perform better than organizations that do not, in terms of increased market share and return on investment.” Do you agree with this statement?
7.      “Training and development do not improve on corporate efficiency, effectiveness and viability” Do you agree with this statement?
8.      “Training and development do not improve o corporate efficiency, effectiveness and viability” Do you agree with this statement?
9.      What are the various training and development programmes that organizations can use?
10.  What are the differences between training and development?

1.      Hi: Training and development increases employees productivity
Ho: Training and development do not increase employees’ productivity
2.      Hi: Organizations that embark on training and development perform better than organizations that do not, in terms of increased market share and return on investment.
Ho: Organizations that embark on training and development do not perform better than organizations that do not, in terms of increased market share and return on investment
3.      Hi: Training and development improve working morale
Ho: training and development do not improve on employees’ working morale
4.      Hi: Training and development improve on corporate efficiency, effectiveness and viability.
Ho: training and development do not improve on corporate efficiency, effectiveness and viability.

1.7           LIMITATION OF WORK
This project focused on the impact of Training and Development on Employees’ Productivity. A case study of Niger Dock Nigeria Plc.
Visits were made to the Head office of the company locate at Apapa, here in Lagos where questionnaires that were prepared were distributed to the respondent.
This study was limited to the impact training and development on Employees productivity. Various training and development methods were example both on-the-Job and off-the-job methods. The researcher also examined the process of study approach to training and development. Training implementation and evaluation approaches were also examined; principal of learning were also examined efforts were also made to identify strategies that organizations can use to make their training programmes successful.
The researcher was faced with certain constraints which included the following:
·         The needed resources interns of funds and research personnel were in short supply.
·         Most of the employees interviewed were uncooperative since they do not know the intent of the research majority of the respondents were reluctant to furnish answer to most of the questions asked. It took the researcher much persistent efforts and explanations to secure the cooperation of the respondents.
The researcher also encountered the problem of not being able to access the various departmental and sectional heads of the organization that she needed to administer the questionnaires to several visits were made by the researcher before she could secure appointments with some HODs.

1.8           Definition of Terms
Development:-Growing in size, the gradual unfolding of something.
Effectiveness:-Producing the desired result the ability to attain objectives or goals.
Efficiency:-Ability to do things well the extent resources are used to achieve goals.
Evaluation:-To measure to determine the value
Off-the-Job Training:-Training programme that takes place at a place away from office premises.
On-the-Job Training:-Training programme that takes place at the office.
Potentials:-Possible, that may develop
Productivity:-The rate of work done
Role Playing:-A part played by an actor. The is a training method here are on stage.
Simulation:-Something that has been created artificially to reproduce a real event.
Skill system approach to training:-Training method that is procedural and methodological.
Training:-To educate, experience or learning of the practical side of a Job.
Trainee:-Someone who is being trained.
Trainer:-Someone who trains people.
Training needs determination. The process of determining of finding out the people that needs to be trained.
Training Evaluation:-The process of measuring training effectiveness to determine whether the training objectives were active or not

1.      Adedayo  A.O  (1998) “Understanding statistics” Lagos:JAS publishers page 265-267
2.      Banjoko S.A (1996) “Human Resources management- an expository approach” Lagos: Saban publishers, pages 24,71-92
3.      Campbell J. (1971) “personnel training and development, an annual review of psychology Vol.22  No.1
4.      Obisi C. (1996) “Personnel management” Ibadan:Jackbod Enterprises, pages 135-147
5.      Reproductive Health online (2003) “Training works what you need to know managing designing, delivering and Evaluating Group- based teraining

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