Tuesday 7 November 2017

The Impact of Human Resource Management on Organisational Performance, A Case Study of Dangote Group of Companies Nig Plc



This is an 85 page project that focused on the Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance, A Case Study of Dangote Group of Companies. In today’s complex business environment filled with intense competition and dynamism in environmental variables, nothing calls for organizational success than the contributions of organizational human capital. Of all the organizational resources in terms of men, machine, money and materials, it is the human element that calls for organizational success. People are the organizational greatest asset. No matter how vast the organizational financial resource is, and no matter how sophisticated organizational machines may be, it is only the human element that can guarantee organizational survival and profitability. Among the organizational resources, it is only the human resource that is capable of thinking, initiating new ideas, responding to instructions and has the ability to respond to changing situations
No wonder organizations all over the world have realized the vital roles organization’s human play towards corporate success and have therefore been according it a right place in their organizations. Until lately the emphasis has shifted from Human Resources to Human Capital, This is in realization of great roles organization human resources play in organizations.
Unfortunately, so many firms have not realized the vital roles organizations resources play towards achieving corporate objectives. Such organizations are still seeing their people as item of cost rather than seeing them as valuable assets. Human Resources Management, despite its associated numerous benefits has its own problems to contend with as regards the people element.  Most organizations, including Dangote Group of Company has failed to realize the vital roles that their human capital can play towards organizational success. They failed to implement programmes and strategies that will attract, retain and motivate their human element to work co-operatively towards organizational success.
The focus of the study is to examine the place of human resources management in organizational survival.  The study used Dangote Group of Companies Nigeria PLC as its case study to determine whether human resources play a major role in the implementation of business strategy.  Below are some of the objectives the study will explore: To examine the role of human resources as the most important resources in any organization; To examine the structure of human resources management as it applies to Dangote Group of Companies Nigeria Plc and whether this impacts on workers’ morale; To find out whether Human Resources Management policies in organizations encourage better organizational performance; To find out whether non payment of competitive salary impact negatively on corporate performance; To find out whether inability of an organization to adequately compensate sacked workers does increase labour turnover. This project therefore examines how human resource management can contribute towards organizational profitability. It also examined the problems and challenges facing human resource managers in organizations in motivating their employees to high level of productivity. Some hypotheses that were tested in this study were:- Well structured Human Resources Management system does not improve working morale; Human Resources Management policies in organizations does not encourage better organizational performance; Non payment of competitive salary does not impact negatively on corporate performance; Inability of an organization to adequately compensate sacked workers does not increase labour turnover. The findings of this study were that Well structured Human Resources Management system improves working morale; Human Resources Management policies in organizations encourage better performance; Non payment of competitive salary impacts negatively on corporate performance; Inability of an organization to adequately compensate sacked workers increase labour turnover

1.0                                           INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY
In today’s complex business environment filled with intense competition and dynamism in environmental variables, nothing calls for organizational success than the contributions of organizational human capital. Of all the organizational resources in terms of men, machine, money and materials, it is the human element that calls for organizational success. As Banjoko (1989) rightly captured it, dig deep into any organizational problem, you must find people. People are central to the organizational existence and survival. Infact without people, there will be no organization. People are the organizational greatest asset. No matter how vast the organizational financial resource is, and no matter how sophisticated organizational machines may be, it is only the human element that can guarantee organizational survival and profitability. Among the organizational resources, it is only the human resource that is capable of thinking, initiating new ideas, responding to instructions and has the ability to respond to changing situations
No wonder organizations all over the world have realized the vital roles organization’s human play towards corporate success and have therefore been according it a right place in their organizations. Until lately the emphasis has shifted from Human Resources to Human Capital, This is in realization of great roles organization human resources play in organizations.
Unfortunately, so many firms have not realized the vital roles organizations resources play towards achieving corporate objectives. Such organizations are still seeing their people as item of cost rather than seeing them as valuable assets. Some organizations have failed to give their human capital their rightful places. Such organizations failed to initiate programmes that are aimed at getting the best from any investment in their human capital.
Human resource management is said to be the tool available to managers in achieving the organizational objectives; managers must strive at harnessing properly the major factors that are relevant to organizational growth (people, money, materials and time).  However, the most important is the people element.  This element is also the key to success of any organization.  Human resources i.e. the people element is comprised of employees, supervisors and managers.  This orderly grouping is aimed at effectively utilization of the other element of the organizational resources.
Ogundele (2003) confirmed this by noting that without effective and productive human resources, no organizational objective could possible materialize.  The major creed in today’s managerial circle is the people element.  The success stories of those organizations that have gained and sustained competitive advantage are those that support the people element as the most critical asset.
Human Resources Management, despite its associated numerous benefits has its own problems to contend with as regards the people element.  Most organizations, including Dangote Group of Company has failed to realize the vital roles that their human capital can play towards organizational success. They failed to implement programmes and strategies that will attract, retain and motivate their human element to work co-operatively towards organizational success.
In such organizations, the level of employees’ motivation is very low; most employees are not given the privilege of achieving their potentials as human beings. Such organizations always experience high rate of labour turnover, high job insecurity, tardiness, non-challant work behaviours, high rate of accident and low productivity.
Dangote Group of Companies Nig Plc, although have attained high reputation in the society and great organizational success. They achieved organizational success without investing appropriately on their human capital. The staff are not well remunerated. The Human Resources Policies of the organization are such that are discriminatory and that demotivate the employees. If nothing is done to remedy the situation, the level of success that the organization has achieved over the years may not last long.
1.    Lack of manpower training and development
2.    Lack of appropriate selection and recruitment processes
3.    Lack of employees motivation scheme
4.    Poor management information system
5.    Nonchalant attitude of employees towards work

The focus of the study is to examine the place of human resources management in organizational survival.  The study used Dangote Group of Companies Nigeria PLC as its case study to determine whether human resources play a major role in the implementation of business strategy.  Below are some of the objectives the study will explore:
1.    To examine the role of human resources as the most important resources in any organization
2.    To examine the structure of human resources management as it applies to Dangote Group of Companies Nigeria Plc and whether this impacts on workers’ morale.
3.    To find out whether Human Resources Management policies in organizations encourage better organizational performance.
4.    To find out whether non payment of competitive salary impact negatively on corporate performance.
5.    To find out whether inability of an organization to adequately compensate sacked workers does increase labour turnover.

This is to show how important human resources management is to all organizations and the merits of performance appraisal, motivation, manpower planning or focus on human resources planning on organizational survival.  The aforementioned tools if properly harnessed will bring about increased performance from employees.  
The importance of this study will enable organizations make policies that are centered on its employees.  The study will also boost employees’ morale to becoming more dedicated in their jobs functions which will invariably improve performance.  This will be achieved as the study will show how improved performance impact better on employees.
The following are the vital questions identified:
1.    “Well structured Human Resources Management system does not improve working morale”. Do you agree with this statement?
2.    Is the process of recruitment, selection and placement of personnel in organization relevant to job satisfaction?
3.    “A human Resources Management policy in organizations does not encourage better organizational performance”. Do you agree with this statement?
4.    Does non payment of competitive salary impact negatively on corporate performance?
5.    Does inability of an organization to adequately compensate sacked workers not increase labour turnover?

1.    Ho: Well structured Human Resources Management system does not improve working morale.
Hi: Well structured Human Resources Management system improves working morale.
2.    Ho: Human Resources Management policies in organizations does not encourage better organizational performance
Hi: Human Resources Management policies in organizations encourage better organizational performance
3.    Ho: Non payment of competitive salary does not impact negatively on corporate performance.
Hi: Non payment of competitive salary does not impact negatively on corporate performance.
4.    Ho: Inability of an organization to adequately compensate sacked workers does not increase labour turnover
Hi: Inability of an organization to adequately compensate sacked workers increases labour turnover.

1.7         SCOPE OF STUDY
The study is limited to First Bank of Nigeria PLC using it as case study in assessing organizations.  The study is designed to discuss the followings:
a)    The policies in the company
b)    The human resources management system practiced
c)    The extent to which employees are satisfied
d)    The  impact on the bottom line
However, the overall purpose is to ascertain the extent to which the concept of human resources management in First Bank of Nigeria PLC has met with the standard and recommendation in the related literature reviewed.

These are terms used such as human resources and human resources management.
Human Resources: According to William R. Tracy in his book, defines human resources as Human or people that are staff and that operate in organizations in contrast with financial and material resources of an organization.
Human Resources Management can be said to be an organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organizational development, safety, wellness or workers, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration and training.
Robert and John (1985) define human resources management as a key ingredient affecting organizational competitiveness and its ability to fulfill its mission.  The effectiveness of an organization in providing a product or service that fits customers’ needs is critical to its survival.  That product or service is mounded in part or entirely by people.   
Human resources management is concerned with the careful selection and placement of new employee and development and effective utilization of existing one with a view to attaining potentials that are beneficial to the employees and translating to the organizational goals and objectives.
Recruitment is the process of attracting the best qualified individuals to apply for a job.
Selection involves the series of steps from initial applicant screening to finally hiring.
Socialization involves orienting new employees to the firms and its work units.  Once hiring is completed, socialization is the final step in the staffing process. 
Performance appraisal and performance management are used both to refer to a process whereby managers and subordinates share understanding about what is to be accomplished and manager will naturally be concerned about how best to bring about those accomplishment. 

1.    Bamidele J. A. (1997) Ideas and Issues of Management in Public Enterprises
2.     Banjoko S.A (2006), Human Resource Management-An Expository Approach    Lagos: Saban Publishers, Pages 24, 71-92
3.    Ikenna E. N. and Beech N. (1995) Human Resources Management  
Prentice Hall Europe

4.    Hertzberg F. (1959) Organization Behaviour New York: Mc Graw Hill Book    

5.     Obisi C. (2004) Organizational Behaviour Concepts and Application,
         Lagos: Malthouse Press Ltd.
6.    Schermerhorn J. R., Hunt J. G. and Osborn R. M. (1985) Organization
Behaviour Canada: John Wesley and Son Inc

7.    Richard W. Beatty and Craig Eric Schneier (1981) Personnel Administration
Addison Wesley.

8.    Rao T. V. (1991) Reading in Human Resources Development  New Delhi: Hiolan
Primlani for Oxford and IBH Publishing company PVT. Ltd.

9.    Armstrong M (1992) Human Resources and Personnel Management
10. John K. and Andrew (1984) Trade Unions and Socialist Politics

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